022-42667003 neeyog@gmail.com
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10″ SQ Areca Plate

The use and throw Palm Leaf Plates / Natural Leaf Plates/ Areca Leaf Plates and Cups made out of Areca Leaf are 100% biodegradable and compostable. These hygienic, non-odorous, non-toxic, light weight plates and cups made out of Areca leaf are environment friendly.

  • The Facts about Areca Leaf products are interesting and must to know.

Our exclusive Areca Leaf Dinnerware line is great for entertaining. These elegant, disposable party plates made from Areca leaf are an eco-friendly alternative to conventional disposable plates. These biodegradable areca leaf plates are a natural and renewable resource.

  • Areca Leaf that are naturally discarded from the areca tree are collected from the forest floor and no trees are cut.

Additional information

Item Description

10" SQ Areca Plate

Carton/Standard Packaging


Cartoon Specs



10 Inch

Material Type
